about me

About Me

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis.
jogger, jog, lifestyle-3071964.jpg

good to meet you

The world has changed over the last couple of years. More and more people have had to work online or remotely. This has meant business owners have had to change the way they conduct their business.

This has sometimes put additional stress on people as overnight, they had to become social media experts to survive.

There are only 24 hours in a day, but if this time is not spent effectively and with the correct attitude, other aspects of our personal life or business suffer.

I am here to pick up the slack and allow you to continue with the more important things in life.

how can i help?

First we identify the areas in your work-life balance that are suffering.

Are you spending too much unproductive time on social media and missing out on clients? Are relationships with your friends and family being neglected? Are you working too many hours, and forgetting about your health, fitness and personal development?

I can produce a marketing strategy for your, manage your social media. Also, I can create, plan and post on your behalf using your brand image to get your message out to your potential customers. Furthermore, I can also create a website or blogs for you.

With my fitness background and my positive attitude in life, I can also help motivate you in areas of your business development and health/fitness. If you want to devote some time to personal development, I have various creative and social media courses, or other ideas how you can develop your skills, or perhaps even switch off doing something you love.

If you live close-by, I can even go for a walk or a run with you!